Shipments typically arrive within 5 business days.
60 days for returns & exchanges of unused products without damage.
Returns & exchanges are free (no re-stocking fee); you just pay to ship back to us. For exchanges, we'll cover the shipping fee back to you.
Return/Exchange process:
Pack your product with padding and ship it to us, using a shipper of your choice at your cost. Ideally, use the box and packaging your product arrived in, but cross out existing mailing information.
Ship to:
Veta Nell
2700 Via Fortuna
Suite 140
Austin, TX 78746
Important: In your shipping box, place a clear note indicating:
- your name
- your contact email and phone
- your Veta Nell order number
- your request (such as "Please exchange this candle for an 8oz amber aura candle" or "I'd like a refund.")
Once returns and exchanges arrive, they'll be processed in 3-5 days.
We cannot process international exchanges.